salzkammergut-2024 (Austria)


The “European Capital of Culture” event is celebrated annually in different cities throughout Europe. In 2024, this prestigious event will take place in Bad Ischl, situated in the picturesque Salzkammergut region of Austria, renowned for its salt production. This year’s event will feature a variety of art exhibitions centered around the themes of salt, water, and wood. I am excited to participate in the “Sudhaus – Art with Salt and Water” exhibition, where I will be creating an installation using approximately 6 tons of salt.

Sudhaus – Art with Salt and Water
January 21 (Sun.) – October 31 (Thu.), 2024
Venues in the Salzkammergut region and Bad Ischl

Please check the Official Website for the latest information.
About European Capital of Culture 2024 – Bad Ischl Salzkammergut

Salt installation was featured on “Arte,” a European art media platform. The exhibition is being held in Salzkammergut, Austria, renowned for its salt production. My work and the creative process are showcased for about 3 minutes, starting at the 14:30 mark of the program. You can watch it on their website.

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