Solo Exhibition “Reinigen”

Solo Exhibition “Reinigen”

Ma 16 (Wed) – Apr 17 (Sun), 2005
Art Gallery Artium (Fukuoka)

迷宮 塩 横6×奥行9m 個展 三菱地所アルティアム, 福岡 2005.3
空蝉 (↑地震前) 塩 高さ3×長さ6m(2.5t) 個展 三菱地所アルティアム 2005.3
空蝉 (↑地震後) 高さ2.5×長さ5.8m(2.5t)
ギャラリー展示風景 個展 三菱地所アルティアム, 福岡 2005.3

I created two installations, Labyrinth and Utsusemi. However, the M7.0 earthquake that struck on March 20 completely destroyed the Utsusemi.
Many of the salt blocks were destroyed, but using what was left and with the help of many people, we were able to build it up again.
Thank you very much.


《 空 蝉 》
 地震で倒壊した様子 撮影2005.3.20

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