幻想の銀河 - 山本基×土屋仁応 – 【終了】
2020年6月2日(火)~ 8月23日(日) 11:00〜(18:00)
ザ・ギンザ スペース (東京・銀座)
※ 当初は4月開催の予定でしたが、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴い6月からのスタートに変更。会期は8月まで延長されました。指手消毒や時間短縮などの感染防止対策を施した上での開催となりました。

Relay to Tokyo – 継承と集積 【不参加】
2020年3月18日(水)〜 5月3日(日) → 2020年7月15日(水)〜 9月15日(火)
国立ビザンチン・クリスチャン美術館 (アテネ)
最新情報は 国際交流基金 公式サイト でご確認ください。
オリンピック、アテネ、東京を結びつける2つのキーワード -「継承」と「集積」- を通して見る日本現代美術展。6名のアーティストと建築家、隈研吾氏による多様な表現を通して、今日の日本における現代アートの一端を紹介する展覧会です。
出品作家・建築家 : 荒木悠、今津景、隈研吾、竹川宣彰、本城直季、パラモデル・ハヤシヤスヒコ、山本基(不参加)
トレーシング・メモリーズ - TRACING MEMORIES 【中止】
ミスティック・シーポート美術館 (コネチカット、アメリカ)
残念ながら、本展はCovid-19の感染拡大の影響により中止が決定しました。最新情報は 美術館の公式サイト でご確認ください。(2021.1.27)

“Important Updates”
This exhibition may be canceled. Or it may be held with some changes for COVID-19 measures. I will update the information immediately after confirming the official announcement. Would you check the latest information on the official website of the organizer, please? Thank you.
I hope this finds you well.
Today, I would like to share some updates on 3 upcoming exhibitions for this spring season. We are flying to Athens in March, to Tokyo in April, and to Connecticut on the east coast of the United States in May for installation. We will be mindful of self-care while travelling, while preparing well for installation work.
“FANTASY GALAXY” Motoi Yamamoto x Yoshimasa Tsuchiya
June 2 (Tue.) – Beginning of August
The exhibition will resume from June 2. Would you check the latest information on the official website of THE GINZA SPACE, please?
This is a collaboration work with a sculptor Yoshimasa Tsuchiya. Mr. Tsuchiya is attracting fans from all over the world with his wood carved deer and other gentle creatures in nature, creating a poetic expression of the world. His artistic style is vastly different from my own, but we will collaborate to present a space where his wood sculptures quietly and gracefully stand within my salt installation.
“Real to Tokyo”
March 18 (Thu.) – May 3 (Sun.)
Byzantine & Christian Museum (Athens)
“Important Updates” The exhibition in Athens will be held from July. It is a group exhibition that was postponed due to the influence of Covid-19. Unfortunately, I abandoned my travel because the restrictions on travel to Greece were not lifted. Would you check the latest information on the official website of JAPAN FOUNDATION, please?
Japanese Contemporary Art Exhibition to be viewed through 2 key concepts, “integration” and “inheritance”, connecting the Olympics, Athens, and Tokyo. With a variety of artistic expressions by 6 artists along with an architect Kengo Kuma, this exhibition will present some of the finest pieces of Modern Art in Japan today.
Artist : Yu Araki, Kei Imazu, Kengo Kuma, Nobuaki Takekawa, Naoki Honjo, Paramodel Yasuhiko Hayashi and Motoi Yamamoto
April 30 (Thu.) – September 6 (Sun.)
Mystic Seaport Museum (Connecticut, USA)
The latest information : Official website of the museum
A solo exhibition in a port town called Mystic, near Boston, on the east coast of the United States. At a beautiful gallery reminiscent of sailing ship frames, I’m going to try something new such as incorporating mirrors into my installation, while creating a large scale salt installation to trace back precious memories. The installation work in progress will be open to public to view from April 30 to May 7.