残念ながら、本展覧会はCovid-19の感染拡大の影響により中止が決定しました。最新情報は 美術館の公式サイト でご確認ください。(2021.1.27)
“Important Updates”
Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that this exhibition has been cancelled due to the spread of Covid-19. Would you check the latest information on the official website of the museum, please? (January 27, 2021)
会場:ミスティック・シーポート美術館 (アテネ)
※ 公開制作 4月30日〜5月7日
April 30 (Thu.) – September 6 (Sun.)
Mystic Seaport Museum (Connecticut, USA)
* Installation work in progress will be open to public April 30 – May 7
A solo exhibition in a port town called Mystic, near Boston, on the east coast of the United States. At a beautiful gallery reminiscent of sailing ship frames, I’m going to try something new such as incorporating mirrors into my installation, while creating a large scale salt installation to trace back precious memories. The installation work in progress will be open to public to view from April 30 to May 7.

Mystic Seaport Museum is proud to present its latest exhibition, SALT: Tracing Memories by contemporary Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto. His work is especially relevant to the Museum as his medium is salt, a mineral intertwined with the sea. The floor of the Collins Gallery will serve as Yamamoto’s canvas.
Over a period of ten days, the artist will meticulously fashion his vision of intricately carved shapes forming a 1,000-square-foot design, one of the largest he has ever created. Visitors will be
able to view Yamamoto at work during the creation of the installation either from the floor or ascend ramps onto platforms to gain a different perspective.The installation will be enhanced by hands-on “tables” where visitors can shape their own designs out of the same type of salt used for Yamamoto’s sculpture.
The completed artwork will be displayed in the Collins Gallery in the Thompson Exhibition Building starting May 9. A time-lapse video of Yamamoto installing SALT: Tracing Memories will enable visitors to understand and appreciate the artistry and labor involved in its creation. Yamamoto’s work is drawn from deep experiences of personal loss and cultural traditions. In Yamamoto’s words, “Drawing a labyrinth with salt is like following a trace of my memory. Memories seem to change and vanish as time goes by; however, what I seek is to capture a frozen moment that cannot be attained through pictures or writings. What I look for at the end of the act of drawing is the feeling of touching a precious memory.” A full range of public programs will complement the exhibition, which coincides with the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.